Step into an uplifting collection of poetry and rediscover the profound nature of kindness
From award-winning author, K.A. Bloch, Scatter Seeds of Kindness is a thought-provoking collection of poems and short stories that offers a unique perspective on the timeless themes on life, love and connection. Dancing through both light hearted and heavy topics, this book weaves together a tapestry that celebrates the beauty of memories and the passage of time, while also shedding light on the stereotypes lurking within society and the painful impact of bullying. Bursting with personal reflections, stories, and poems that are raw and authentic, deep and tragic, and beautifully uplifting, Scatter Seeds of Kindness will resonate with the hearts and minds of kindred spirits. It echoes with a powerful message, gently encouraging us to embrace kindness in our everyday lives and be more mindful of the struggles of the people around us. Perfect as a memorable introduction into the world of poetry, this collection will take you on a revitalizing journey; one that challenges you to not only be kind to the people around you, but also to yourself. Step into an uplifting collection of poetry and rediscover the profound nature of kindness.